Stiff acting, but a good effort
I can tell that a lot of effort went into this, and I'm hoping to see some more.
Your character animation is as stiff as a bone, and there is very little emotion in any of it. You're voice actors/actress, really need to play the role as well. If they go at it normally then it'll lead to dull animation.
I really want to see this do better, it seems to be pretty good. Nothing spectacular, but pretty good.
Part of the reason you're animation is lacking is obviously a lack of drawing ability, and what I suggest you do to help deal with that is to draw from life. Don't do anything else for a while, just draw from life. Finish part two of this, then take a long break. If you want this animation to hit an even higher score, and be recognized as an animation you'll listen to my advice.
The thing is, you've done what people should not do quite well. You're animating before you learn to draw. You learn to draw, and follow the rules. Then you break the rules, and begin animating.
One book I suggest to take a look at is: The Animation Survival Kit. That is, if you decide to continue animating before learning to draw.
If you don't have the time or money to take life drawing, then go and draw from posemaniacs or from photos of people. Heck, draw your friends, family, etc. Also, draw a lot of hands! This one of the most important, because if you can draw a hand to near perfection you'll be able to draw most people well.
The thing with animation, is that it's not about realism. Its about believability. I believe that the locations exist, but not the characters that dwell there.
You've got good intentions, but no life is to be found in the animation. We don't believe the characters exist solely on voice, but by their actions. Pantimime first, facial expression second. Watching wooden men/women at attention is boring and repetative. Break away from that animation, and do something dynamic.
Look forward to seeing a great improvement. It'll take time, but it'll be worth it.